If you're reading this then you probably already know that a good homebrew requires weeks of fermenting before it becomes drinkable. This means that you need to make your seasonal homebrews during the season prior to when you want to drink them. But what seasonal brews should you make to keep your homebrew bottles stocked throughout the year?
Spring Brews for Summer Drinking During the warm summer months you're going to want a light refreshing beer so during the spring you should think about brewing Pilsners, cream ales, fruit beers and maybe kolsch beers. The following is an easy Pilsner recipe to get you started. This recipe is enough to make a batch size of 5.68 gallons. The homebrew bottles and supplies needed include a 6+ gallon brew pot, a 5 gallon Igloo/Gott cooler and of course plenty of homebrew bottles.
Summer Brews for Autumn Drinking Autumn beers should be a bit heavier than summer beers so you'll want to look at varieties like pumpkin beer, English pale ales, brown ales and maybe Marzen/ Oktoberfest beers. English pale ales and brown ales can be brewed in numerous ways to vary the taste and alcohol content but the following recipe is always popular regardless of experience. British Pale Ale

The homebrew supplies you'll need for this recipe are identical to ourBohemian Pilsner above although the batch size is slightly smaller at 5 gallons.
Autumn Brews for Winter Drinking Winter is always associated with dark evenings, cold nights and warm fires which is why you'll want a heavy, heady beer to fill your homebrew bottles. Christmas is the perfect celebration to try out your brews so why not start off some stouts, porters and other dark beers, old ales, scotch ales and (if you can wait around a year) some barley wine? Below is a top recipe for a single-malt scotch ale to warm even the coldest hearts. Single Malt Scotch Ale

This recipe makes around 5 gallons and is relatively easy to brew. The alcohol content is high at nearly 9% which is perfect for your Christmas and New Year celebrations.
Winter Brews for Spring Drinking Spring is a time for clearing out the cobwebs and lightening the mood so you should think about brewing a few lighter ales. Some of the favourites amongst top homebrewers include India pale ales, Irish ale and of course Irish stout, spring fruit beers and Belgian Wit or white beers are also scrumptious. The following stout recipe will start the year off well and make it a spring worth remembering. Keep It Simple Stout

This recipe makes a 5.5 gallon batch of basic stout, but if you want something with a bit more flavour it's advisable to add a bit more Special Roast or a similar toasted grain JBC Online is your place to buy Homebrew Bottles for all of your brewing needs. Whether you're undertaking a little project in your shed or making artisan beers on a larger scale, JBC offer bottles and equipment in all shapes and sies. Rate this ArticleSeasonal Recipes to Fill Your Homebrew Bottles All Year RoundNot Rated YetBensonn Bravo has published 12 articles. Article submitted on February 11, 2013. Word count: 454
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