Not gonna lie; this is a major turn-on for us. The face you make if another dude checks us out. now that’s hot. We like feeling like YOUR lucky lady. We love it when you put your arm around our shoulder, symbolizing that “This is MY woman.” It reminds us that you care, and that you'd do anything to keep us yours. We don’t want you breaking someone’s face or getting blood on your nice clothes, but hearing you mutter “I’m gonna beat the shit out of him if he checks you out one more time" makes us smile from the inside out.
When you start to stir, and roll over and look at us in the morning. Hair all messed up, eyes still full of that sticky goo. and traces of sweat around your face... that’s a turn-on. Why? Oh. you have no idea how turned on that gets us. The fact that you look so innocent and vulnerable lying there is life’s way of telling us to take advantage of you physically. You won’t say no if we do. When we see you this way, we just WANT to have morning sex. NOW. We can brush our teeth afterwards; sex first.
When couples get together for a fun night out, usually the guys and the girls separate into two groups. That way the “bros” can all catch up and talk about manly things while us girls can just relax and gossip with each other. As we watch you boys drink, burp, high five, and do other things you’re programmed to do, we love the fact that every now and then you’ll look over as us and give us a wink. One that says “Hey, sexy. I haven’t forgotten about you." And we just melt. You're just full of surprises. Keep it up.
If you work out, you better believe we’ll notice. The sight of our man’s biceps and broad shoulders underneath their tight T-shirt is too much to handle sometimes. Don’t even get me started on those nicely-fitted jeans. Not only do to we start undressing them with our mind, but it reminds us that we are with a real man - one strong enough to protect us, lift us up and toss us around in bed for extra fun. Flex for us, men. Make us feel like Jane to your Tarzan. We love touching you. Flaunt it. We wanna see it. We wanna see ALL of it.
Say what you want about “clean shaven" men. Us women love a little bit of facial hair on a guy’s face. Think about it: Would we really want to date a guy that looks like he’s 16? Hell, no. We want a man. We like versatility; someone who can look grizzled when he wants to lay down a tree and who can clean up presentably when he’s out showing us off. If you can get your face in check and keep your scruff under control, we’ll love you for it, and you shall be rewarded.
And no, we’re not talking about UPS here. We have the power to tell when you’re turned on, and when you’re hard. Call it our “Sex-th Sense." It's extremely sexy when we can see it bulging out of your jeans. We love it when your other head gets a mind of its own and starts to wander. So dirty.
Confidence is critical when you wanna turn us on. The way you present yourself. The way you walk. We watch everything you do. Wear pants that show off your firm ass. We want to be able to easily imagine
Sometimes we like to see just how much you like us, so we play mind games with you. Yes, it’s true. But we usually just do this for fun! When we’re walking down the sidewalk and there are hot women everywhere, sometimes we’ll point them out, and see how you react.
If you stare too long or don’t answer with what we wanna hear, you’ll lose points. If you quickly glance or tell us we’re hotter, then you’ll gain points. I know. The game isn’t fair, but that shouldn’t matter because the prizes for the winner are totally worth it. Your bed would agree.
Sitting in the seat right behind you while you’re driving is actually a huge turn-on for us. Why. you ask? Because we can stare into your beautiful eyes in the rearview mirror and you can stare right back. You can check us out and we can show off. So subtle. Nobody notices. A rush of excitement runs through our body when we catch you staring at us while you’re driving down the highway. Master of the road? Maybe. Master of the mirror is more like it.
We saved the best for last. Two things that make us sweat. That noise and face you make right before you explode? Yep. That one. We love the workout you give us that no gym can offer. Every guy is different and has his own signature “I’m done” - grunt and face. We take that as life letting us know that we’ve succeeded. Job well done! No thanks necessary. Now it’s our turn, right?
by girlsgonewild
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