
Beef Up Your Plant Proteins

Beef Up Your Plant Proteins
Adding leucine to wheat protein increases its muscle-building potential

Bodybuilders have long been suspicious of plant-based protein, believing them to be inferior to meat, egg and dairy proteins. That's tmo for both whole-food and supplemental forms of protein Recently, however, plant-based protein products have taken giant steps forward in terms of meeting bodybuilders' needs. Now, many plant-based products are reasonable, even good substitutes for non-vegan protein sources.

Until recently, many types of plant protein products were also high in carbohydrates. They often derived more than S0% of their calories from carbs. undermining bodybuilders' efforts to keep carbs low. In addition, the amino acid profiles of many plant-based proteins are not as conducive to muscle building as casein, whey and egg protein.

Recent research, however, demonstrates the viability of plant-based protein. For instance, a study shows that wheat protein with leuone is as anabolic as whey protein itself. While wheat protein is low in certain anabolic arruno acids, adding leucine or branched-chain ammo acids (BCAAs) helps stimulate an anabolic response equal to whey protein

In addition, many plant proteins are now much higher in protein as a percentage of total calories. Soy. pea and brown rice proteins contain as much (or more) than 80% of thoir calories from protein. Also consider adding a dose of leucine to these plant proteins to increase anabolic potential.

For best results, add 2 Yt grams of leucine to your plant protein supplement before and after workouts for a total of S grams of leucine per day. Another option is to add 3-5 grams of BCAAs to your plant protein before and after workouts for a total of up K) grams of BCAAs a day. Typically, a dose of BCAAs is about half leucine, so taking in 10 g/ams will provide 5 grams of leucine.

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